These loans can be profitable for lenders but they must reduce their risk as much as possible before they commit. It’s this risk reduction that makes them seem so picky about their qualification standards.
If you have water coming in your house and you are reading this article, you should probably not try to repair the roof yourself. Roofing is dangerous for the average homeowner. How do you pick someone to repair the leak? There are basically two choices. Hire a “roofer” or a general contractor. If you plan to work with a roofer, be sure that their business focuses on repairs, mold remediation not on installing new roofs. Most roofers can easily learn how to remove and install roofing. Diagnosing leaks and making repairs is a whole different story. It takes skill, experience and a good deal of intellectual skill to good at repair work.
You will find popular house plans from all over the country in magazines like Building Ideas published by Better Homes & Garden. Of course you can find these magazines at any magazine stand, but you can also find a large variety of “home building” plans via the Internet.
Text messaging is another option on some phones. If this is something that you will be using often then a plan that offers a package deal may save you dollars as text message rates per message can add up quickly.
If you think you might be getting in over your head, then call three contractors and ask for an estimate. At the very least, you will know how much money you have saved even if you decide to do the job yourself.
If you are going to hire a writer, hire one that has experience with white papers as this is a very particular skill set. If you want to do it yourself, purchase “Writing White Papers” by Mike Stelzner and follow the steps outlined in his book. Remember, if the giveaway isn’t good and doesn’t offer value, it isn’t doing anything for you and may actually hurt your brand.